
Monday, April 3, 2017

Top 10 Essential Oils for Dogs

Whether you're just getting started in using Essential Oils or have been a long time user, this list is for you!
These are the top 10 oils to have on hand if you have dogs and want to incorporate the use of essential oils in their lives. 
Top 10 Essential Oils for Dogs

#10 Lemon

Lemon is a great oil to help detoxify. You can add it to your dog's drinking water to help detoxify the internal organs (liver, kidneys & colon). Don't add lemon to the water if you have cats in your home that will be drinking from the same dish.  Lemon can also be applied topically but should be diluted well and you must remember that lemon is a photosensitive oil so you don't want to apply this oil and then let your pet be outdoors in the sun. Lemon is also great to diffuse, again no kitties, because it is wonderful for improving mood and energy and will help detoxify the air.  Lemon is also great for the skin, especially greasy/seborrheic coats.

#9 Massage Blend

This is a great blend to have on hand if you have senior pets! But its not just for seniors, it is great for dogs of all ages.  It is great for promoting healthy circulation and promotes relaxation. This oil blend provides instant relief for the occasional discomfort of tired, sore and worn down muscles and joints.

#8 Roman Chamomile

This is a great oil to use on the skin, it is soothing and calming. I use it for itchy skin, rashes, dry skin, etc. It is a very calming oil, both mind and body. It is a vey gentle oil, it is safe to use on your dogs and cats.  This oil is interchangeable with lavender or can be used in conjunction with it.

#7 Myrhh

Myrrh is a very cleansing oil. It is great to use over incision sites to speed up healing.  It is also a great oil for any oral concerns.  This is also a great oil for rescued dogs, dogs of neglect, for balancing emotions. You should take care when using this oil in your diffusers as it is a very sticky/thick oil (as it is made from  the resin) and it can clog your diffusers if you don't rinse them well after use. This oil is great to use in any blends you make for the skin because it is very soothing and because of its bitter taste; it will deter most dogs from licking the oils off.

#6 Grounding Blend

This is a great blend to improve focus, during training for example. Use this oil as your first oil when layering oils. Use this oil along the spine, at the base of the head and over the sacrum to help bring your dog back to homeostasis. Use this oil on the reflexology points of the paws. It is great for relaxation, calming and focus. You can use it in conjunction with or in place of lavender for relaxation/calming qualities.

#5 Protective Blend

This is one of my absolute favorite blends! It has antioxidants and is wonderful for immune support. Use this oil any time your dog may face threats to their immune system. When you know your dog will be facing environmental threats apply this oil prior, during and after when possible. An example would be going to the dog park or the grooming/boarding facility.

#4 Digestive Blend

This blend is great for all things digestive! If your pet is having any kind of digestive upset this is your go to oil! Apply to the abdomen every 2 hours during a car trip if your pet has trouble with car sickness. It is great for gas/bloating, abdominal discomfort, nausea, diarrhea, etc.

#3 Helichrysum

This oil is amazing for bleeding conditions. If your pet gets a minor cut apply this oil immediately. It is great to have in your emergency first aid kit. It is great even after a trauma has occurred, apply it to incisions after surgery or to bruises after minor traumas. It helps maintain cellular vitality. It is a wonderful oil to use on the skin and it great for the metabolism.

#2 Lavender

Probably the most well known essential oil and for good reasons, this oil is probably one of the most versatile oils you can have in your toolbox. It is wonderful for calming the mood. Diffuse during storms or for dogs that don't like to be alone. Apply to the spine, paws or diffuse prior to any event that could cause anxious feelings. This is a great oil to use when introducing a new pet to the home, or for going to the vet, there are so many scenarios that lavender can help both you and your pet!

#1 Frankincense

Known as the King of Oils and for good reason. This oil is a must have. It promotes Cellular function and DNA integrity, is great for the skin and healing. It induces feelings of peace, relaxation, satisfaction and overall wellness. It helps balance the mood. Use it after surgery to help speed up healing

If you want to learn more about essential oils please don't hesitate to reach out to me!
You can find more information or contact me through my Facebook page.


 Remember to always consult your veterinarian and dilute your oils prior to use.
Always Seek veterinary advice if
symptoms persist or get worse at any time.


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